Fire Safety Inspections
The Fire Safety Inspection programme is a series of inspections covering construction from commencement of the superstructure construction to the final handover of the finished building. The progress of construction is monitored in line with the specified design and fire strategy requirements. Where requested, Ashton Fire can also review or witness the commissioning of fire safety systems and/or the cause and effect of fire safety systems within the building.
The programme forms part of the process throughout construction and complements expectations of Gateway Three. Including pre-start and on-going advice, ensuring that the expectations of the fire strategy are applied and pre-handover Fire Safety Assessment. The programme can be applied to any building to provide additional independent assurance that the completed building is in accordance with the design and any variations are captured and verified allowing accurate updates to the as-built fire strategy.
By working closely with the client’s technical and construction teams, we can advise on best practice and are well placed to identify potential issues at an early stage, minimising the need for remedial work. Through regular inspection, reporting and review we are able to provide additional confidence that the as-built building is consistent with the fire strategy.
The Fire Safety Inspection programme can also facilitate the provision EWS1 form or a Fire Risk Appraisal of External Walls, including specified attachments, where required.
External Wall Inspections
The External Wall Inspection programme is a series of inspections during the construction of the external walls of a building, monitoring the progress of external wall construction in line with the specified design and fire strategy requirements.
Through applying our expert knowledge of external walls and façades construction, associated materials and interrogation of product fire test information in relation to the requirements and associated fire safety guidance to the Building Regulations, we are able to identify potential issues at an early stage, minimising the need for remedial work. Further, working closely with the client’s technical and construction teams we can advise on best practice and provide assurance that the external walls have been constructed in accordance with the agreed design and fire strategy.
The External Wall Inspection programme can also facilitate the provision EWS1 form or a Fire Risk Appraisal of External Walls, including specified attachments, where required.
Construction Phase Fire Risk Assessments
We provide construction phase fire risk assessment support throughout construction as recommended within the Health and Safety Executive publication HSG168 – ‘Fire Safety in Construction’ and the ‘Joint Code of Practice for Fire Prevention on Construction Sites’. The Principal Contractor, must take appropriate on-site fire precautions to ensure the safety of their employees and other relevant persons (e.g., visitors and general public). It is a requirement that the fire risk assessment is reviewed by the responsible person periodically so that it is up to date.
Construction projects are continually changing and naturally prompt regular reviews, particularly at key stages of the construction programme, e.g., when the building façade is enclosed and there is a step-change in fire risk.
We offer expert support in carrying out site fire risk assessments, to review the on-site fire safety arrangements and implementation of the construction phase fire plan, assisting the Principal Contractor in meeting their obligations under HSG168 – ‘Fire Safety in Construction’ and the ‘Joint Code of Practice for Fire Prevention on Construction Sites’ and to provide confidence that the appropriate fire precautions are being implemented during construction.
We are BAFE SP205 accredited and certified as a ConstructionOnline Gold member, highlighting the high level of competency and experience of our risk assessors as well as the dedication and quality throughout the team.
A construction phase fire risk assessment forms part of the ongoing monitoring of a construction sites condition and use in relation to fire safety related issues either direct or indirect which may cover structural as well as procedural fire safety issues, equipment and material usage, associated hazards and risks, occupancies of varying types and general management and maintenance.
The intention of the construction phase fire risk assessment is to review the site by taking an organised and methodical look at the site as a whole as well as the building under construction and looking at the likelihood of a fire starting, the potential causes and the harm that could come from it and looking at ways to mitigate the risk. The assessment will also highlight good fire safety practice together with highlighting fire safety deficiencies and record them in an action plan so as to provide the Responsible Person or Duty Holder with a suitable and sufficient document to aid in the management of their site fire safety compliance as well as maintaining site fire safety to the highest of standards.
Preoccupancy Fire Safety Assessments
To assist Responsible and Accountable Persons in light of the current and pending changes to fire safety and building safety practices through the Building Safety and Fire Safety Bills, our preoccupancy fire safety assessment process will provide assurance and reporting so as to form part of the required Building Regulations Regulation 38 information pack and will also contribute to the buildings golden thread of information covering design through build completion and the ongoing lifecycle of a buildings occupation.
Preoccupation fire safety assessments are carried out if the end user wants to establish that the construction stage of the building has been completed, the necessary fire safety design measures have been incorporated, prior to handover and subsequent occupation. This information is usually communicated in the findings of a preoccupation fire safety assessment.
It is important that a preoccupation fire safety assessment is not confused with a legally required fire risk assessment; the former is undertaken to help ensure a smooth transition from the design and construction phase to the operational phase of new or refurbished premises. However, both are similar in content, with the in-use elements of management and maintenance of the building not being able to be assessed.
Regulation 38 Pack Review and Advice
More information on our offering is coming soon. If you would like to get in touch with one of our experts in this area, please call 020 3995 6600 or email